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Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Extremely Fun Filled Day of Nothing

So here I am about 20 minutes after working out and I'm pretty tired out. Over the past couple days, I have been semi-forcing my brother Slade to hold a punching glove while a bomb away at it. Slade wasn't exactly thrilled to take part in the activity, mainly because every so often, I would miss and hit him really hard in the arm. I have a pretty good aim and all, but you know.

I guess I was subject to a boring day today. I didn't really fall asleep until around 4 in the morning last night. It's not that I try and pull these all nighters. They aren't healthy for you and I do not recommend them to any one who wants to feel good the next day. It's just that I have a lot on my mind right now. To be honest, I am in a pretty good place right now. My family is getting by just fine and we are happier than usual. I love it when it's like that. What's on my mind is not bad.

I have High School starting a week from Monday, and there's so much organization and preparation to do in just a week. I need to get paper, pens, notebooks, clothes, a backpack, and I would really like to get more organized in my everyday life. I just get stressed about it. So last night was really cool. I finished my blog really late last night and I stayed on here for a while talking to friends on Myspace. Then I 3 in the morning, my dad drove me down the Chevron store to get Ketchup, which took a long time because I was getting sodas there and their lids are viciously sucky. And when I got home, I just read.

I crawled in to bed and pulled out my book and read. Right now, I am reading my favorite book of all time: The Catcher in the Rye. I've read it once before and loved it. But now that I know how it ends I wanted to read it again. It's definitely my favorite book of all time. See the book has an easy enough plot. The main protagonist and antihero, Holden Caulfield, is recalling the events that take place after he is expelled from Pencey Prep. But what the book is really about, is Holden Caulfield's narration of his own thoughts. I can truly relate to Holden in that way. I never seem to be doing anything important enough to keep people on the edge of their seat but I always have something going on in my mind that I think if people could hear, would look at me differently. Holden is sort of a loner and an outsider so to speak. Not that I can relate to being a loner in that way. I do have a lot of friends. But I feel different than everyone else at times. I think that' s what I love about the book. It truly is the Bible for anybody experiencing teenage angst.

Not that I am exactly angsty but I think at times, I can feel at odds with myself when it comes to certain things. I am certainly jaded when it comes to my view of the world. I'm not bitter but I definitely am more cynical than most. I guess it just comes from being born in this age, this time. There is so much failure amongst the authority in the world, that in order to survive life, you must open your eyes and examine everything at it's core.

That's what like 90% of my thoughts are about. I am always analyzing things, trying to make sense of them. Maybe that's because so few things make sense in life. Maybe it's just because I am curious. I don't know.

Like I said, I didn't fall asleep until about 4 in the morning. I woke up at around 11:30 which is not bad considering I have a tendency and a likelihood to sleep for 10 hours given the chance. Today has actually felt pretty long considering the shortness of hours. It's felt long in a good way though. I'm not bored with today is what I am trying to say. I actually like night time better. There is better shows on and you can get more stuff done.

So I think what I started to talk about at some point in this giant array of commentary, was High School. I am excited but scared about it. Scared in a good way though. I am scared mainly because I am not as organized as I would like to be at this point. I guess I should get started on that. The problem is, I am a huge procrastinator. Don't get me wrong, I am good at last minute things but it has gotten me into trouble before. That's one of the reason I did less than well at school last year. I waited until the last minute on virtually all of my assignments. Sure, I would get done a few of them but mostly I couldn't get done in time. I truly need to suck it up and become more organized.

There are really no more excuses now that I am High School. The only I can blame at this point if I fail, is myself. I don't want that to happen. I really want to do well. I want to get through this year and at the end I can really say that I gave it my absolute best. I really do. I haven't been able to do that in a while. Not that I don't do well even when I am not trying my hardest but I feel so much better about myself when I try my hardest and hopefully my work will improve too.

There's simple no more hand holding when it comes to my work. I am on my own, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I think I'll like it better this way. I am definitely more mature than last year. I am far less concerned about childish things. I simply want to go in there and destroy, in a sense.

I guess I should close it up. I am going to church tomorrow and that is always fun. There wasn't really much of a theme in this blog for me to go full circle and end it with some ribbon on the top all prettied up and what not. That is what my brain is like though. I realize that there isn't always an ironic twist in life. On boring days like this, my biggest entertainment is coming on here and telling you all about it. I hope I have bored you good and plenty because when it comes to boredom on a day like today, I have more than enough to spare. :)

Good Night,

Dylan Starks

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